its my last day at my first job...
yes i did choose to leave and have no second thoughts about that decision...
but then again... there are all these people i have met and have grown very very fond of...
people who unknowingly have seen me through one of the most difficult times of turmoil and change in life...
so different from me and from what i see as my life...forcing me to look outside my box..however big my box might be...
it is hard to leave with simple joy and relief today...
i cannot deny the relief... but then again...i will miss these walls...these tables... these people...
the endless hours of talking utter nonsense which somewhere... somehow slips into deep political discussions...
serious discussions about husbands, maids, boyfriends,girlfreinds, children...dogs...
sharing every single day (except the weekeneds! phew!) together in this space...
we just get used to it... but it is a BIG deal (objectively speaking.. ha ha, i just used the word "objective")...
you forget that you begin to know the way people
and then we are all here in this space for various reasons...
constantly judging..disliking...loving...liking each other...or sometimes(most times hopefully!) being immersed in our work and in the passion or urgency of it...
its a miniature human world...
and thus its heartening that when i leave i am not be in this mini human world everyday... because i am going to miss it so much...
the madness...the complexity...the simplicity...the vibrance...
i will miss office...
and i also feel like the first office is like a good first kiss... :)
all other offices will now get compared to this office and believe me they will have to try hard to measure up...
well... for goes on...