here i am rivelling in not knowing the roads... or which direction to go to get anywhere...
yes i am in mumbai and dont know these roads....... these streets... these people... and rivelling in the pleasure of not knowing...
its raining a lot... cant help but be scared... have never been scared of the rain... reminds me of the time when i was scared of my darling sea after the tsunami...
nevertheless... its gorgeous... and good to be out of the familiarity and the humidity of delhi..
but then again... i miss home... and yes.. delhi does feel home when one is not there... even the most rootless knows 'home' when not in it i think...
while i cherish the newness i long for the comfort of the familiar...
I know...that this is...your own blog...your own space...your own queer...feminist paradise...but the still 'revelling'... ...
I know...bombay roads...bazaars...railway tracks...loos...and the sea...they are familiar...and can revel in...being lost within familarity... ...
Missing about...missing the familiar, yes...but it is also about...missing being part of...the newness and unfamiliarity...of the familar... ...
Finally...why do blogs...always producing...way too much intensity... ...
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